Email Creation/Email List

Understanding the fundamentals of a email

Gmail Creations

There are many ways to develop an email list, the easiest is to make it yourself.

  1. Fill in the required information and make sure to save the gmail. Google will ask you for SMS Verification and Recovery Gmail! If it asks for SMS Verification, Please read below SMS Verification Make sure to add your Email for recovery information. If you make multiple emails you can use the same email for recovery. Once your fresh Gmail is produced, be highly careful as they can be banned by Google on Day 1 since they may think that you're a bot. To counteract this, you must go to Settings and verify your recovery email. Although it seems that easy, all Gmails have a score with lower scores blocking you and deeming you as a bot while higher scores mean that you are a person A fresh Gmail will have a low score which can't be used for much which is why you need to start farming your Gmails to get higher scores. You can test your score here

V3 Scores

Although it seems that easy, all Gmails have a score with lower scores blocking you and deeming you as a bot while higher scores mean that you are a person. A fresh Gmail will have a low score which can't be used for much which is why you need to start farming your Gmails to get higher scores. You can test your score here

0.1 - Bot 0.3 - Bot 0.7 - Better 0.9 - Human The Score shows if Google considers you as HUMAN or BOT. 1.0 is very likely a good interaction, and 0.0 is very likely a bot With low score values (< 0.3) you'll get a slow reCAPTCHA 2, and it would be hard to solve it. And vice versa, with score >= 0.7 it will be much easier. Generally speaking, you want a score of 0.7 and 0.9. There is no 0.8 or 1. To get a better score please read AYCD OneClick Farming.

SMS Verification

  1. Click SMSPOOL to join Smspool.

This step will help you bypass SMS verification and you will be good to go.

Gmail Guide

This method is a lot easier compared to the one above and is easier if you are lazy. To get started, head over and create an account here. THESE NUMBERS ARE NOT SMS VERIFIED! These Gmails will have low scores so make sure you farm them!

  1. Once you have made an account, make sure to add a balance to your account, I'd recommend around 500 to start off with which is around $5.

  2. Select Google and you will see a bunch of sellers. Try to buy the cheapest ones. When you buy an account, they will give you an email and a password which you will need to sign into the account.

  3. Once you sign in, make sure to go to settings and change Alternate Email and Recovery Email. You may need to verify them. I recommend using Outlook for alternate email and using the + trick to continue using it since Google will not allow you to use the same Outlook each time.

  4. Once you've finished emails, you will need to change the password to your liking and throw the email into AYCD OneClick to farm for a better score.

Gmail List

  1. In order to make a list, open up Notepad

Last updated